What is CAFOD?
CAFOD is the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, the official overseas development and relief agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. CAFOD works in more than 60 countries worldwide tackling poverty and injustice in the following ways: Emergency relief, Sustainable long term development and well being, Lobbying and campaigning to raise awareness and understanding of the causes of poverty and injustice.
The work of CAFOD is closely aligned with the Justice and Peace network whose vision encompasses a world of respect, dignity, freedom, peace and justice as well as access to basic resources for all.
CAFOD/Justice and Peace at St Thomas’s
St Thomas’s CAFOD group was formed in April 2009 and has about 10 active members. We meet on a monthly basis and have co-ordinated various fund raising events including a quiz night, sponsored run and a Fairtrade goods sale as well as the long established Fast Days for Lent and Harvest time. In addition to fund raising, the group has supported the 2009 Climate Justice Campaign promoted by CAFOD giving presentations and collecting signatures from parishioners. These were sent to the PM ahead of the United Nations climate change talks in December 2009.
We continue with our fund raising initiatives, promoting new campaigns that tackle social injustices and trying to contribute to other programmes within the Parish.