In the late 1990s our Parish Priest, Fr Tony Seeldrayers, raised the question; what help, if any, was needed in the Parish? The response showed that the majority felt the need of some sort of bereavement support.
A small group of ten members was formed with the view of being available to visit bereaved parishioner when requested. Following bereavement training in guidelines regarding the art of listening and boundaries, these visits commenced, details were passed to us by the priest in contact with the bereaved family.
One crucial fact arose from these visits, and that was the loneliness felt by many, particularly on a Sunday! This resulted in the decision to commence ‘Sunday Drop-in’ Meetings from 4.30 – 6pm in The Presbytery (No. 60 Rylston Road), on the first Sunday of every month inviting anyone who had lost a friend or relative and in need of support come along for a cup of tea and a chat.
Our first meeting was on 4 February 2001, proved successful and still continues. Over the years some of the team has moved from the parish and at the moment we have only five members and are seeking new volunteers. They would receive a short training course would before making any house visits.