Letter from Fr. Dennis to the Community:
My Dear Friends,
You have no idea how many people have already asked me what my “agenda” is for our parish as I take up my post as your parish priest. Some are curious.
Others are a little on edge and many are asking – what will he be like? And my response to all of this is that I have no particular agenda for it’s already set for me! No agenda! No plan!
How can that be?
When a new ‘boss’ arrives he’s expected to have a business plan to take the company to a better place, a roadmap to higher profits, and certainly that’s a legitimate expectation for a business leader, but this is not what the Church expects from its priests.
My “agenda” as your parish priest is Jesus and the gospel. My goal – our goal is to make the name of Jesus known and loved. My single highest priority is to serve you, to help you to know Jesus better, to love him with more devotion, so that we may dedicate our lives to him more completely, and the best ways for me to do this is to try to be a man of prayer, to celebrate the Mass and the other sacraments reverently in a way that helps us to pray and nourishes our faith.
I am very excited and a little nervous! Please pray for me as I assure you that I am already praying for you.
May God bless us all,
Fr. Dennis Touw
Parish Priest